Zippy T-Handle

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Zippy T-Handle


Zippy Rolling Ball Therapy products feature a regulation golf ball that freely rolls within the encasing shell to provide a near-perfect hand-held massage device with no batteries, no cord, fits in a pocket, bag or purse and travels like a pro. With gentle or firm pressure a user can bring relaxation and pain where ever or whenever needed. Can’t see your massage therapist? Get a Zippy and roll with us!

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The Zippy T-Handle golf ball massage device is THE answer to lots of life's little questions like "How can I make this cramp clear up?", "What can I do for the muscle pain in my (finger, hand, arm, neck, jaw, shoulder, arm, leg, hip, back, IT Band and fascia, ankle, feet, toe?", "How can I improve circulation in soft tissue?", "Will this keep my thumbs and fingers from hurting because I've been massaging my (fill in from list above) and my hands are tired and sore?"

You can improvise free form "rolling ball therapy" to help move moisture in muscle, relieve tension, and release endorphins that further enhance relaxation and a feeling of well being.

"All with a golf ball?", you say?

"Yes," we say, "but much, much better"